English Freeware for professionals and students.
- Download
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- Download the
British accent
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- Download
MP3 and TXT with American
accent American.iso for MP3-TXT players (286M).
MP3 and TXT with British accent
British.iso for MP3-TXT players (286M)
Click and Visit this Superb Site
Spoken English 2
Many people say that English is the hardest language to learn if you were not born in a primarily English speaking home. English is the most common language spoken all over the globe and in order to do business deals or travel to foreign lands those who do not know how to speak English need to do so.
- Price: Free
- Operating system: Windows 3.x/95/98/Me/2000/XP/NT
- Download link: Click
Talk a Lot Spoken English Course Elementary
Talk a Lot is a great new way to learn spoken
English, and quite a departure from the standard ELT course book.
Instead of spending hours reading and writing, students have the
opportunity to engage in challenging and fun speaking and listening
activities with their friends.
- Price: Free
- Operating system: Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/NT
- Downloads link: Click
EyeSpeak english learning software is the most effective way to learn English.This speak english software will help you improving your english faster.There are few english speaking software witch can improve your english faster and EyeSpeak is one of them.english learning is not much hard with EyeSpeak.So learn english speaking from today.A very Unique software to learn.
There are two Editions Standard and Premium Edition.
Standard EditionSpeak like an American or with a British accent.
An interactive and user friendly software program designed to teach you English. Over 100 hours of learning material and 2000+ exercises to develop your English so people can understand you. Both US and UK accents included
- Telephone Talk
- Office Language: "I'm in charge of..."
- Food, eating and drinking
Price: US$49.95
Ideal for the beginner to advanced learner of English, with over 300 hours of training and 6000+ exercises based around words, sentences, vocabulary and real life language role plays. Improve your English for business, travel, education TOEIC® and TOEFL® examinations. Both US and UK accents included
- Greetings and conversation
- Travel and transportation: "What time do we have to check in?"
- American English
Learning Games For Kids
www.learninggamesforkids.com is a fantastic site.They provide Online Learning Games for kids.And helps to build the skills that kids need to succeed in school.The
educational games they offer make kids learning fun with math facts, language
arts, and more.
We’ve got educational games for kids in the following
categories: Math Facts, Math Games, Language Arts, Science Songs,
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English grammar learning
English grammar learning
www.grammar-monster.com is a great place for learning english grammar.
Punctuation Lessons
Eight Parts of Speech
Easily Confused Words
Common Grammar Errors
Glossary of Terms
Some More Sites
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