Interest in and use of the world wide web has been expanding at a phenomenal rate.As the web grows, so must its vehicle of communication,
HTML.World Wide web is the most exciting and useful aspect of Internet.

World Wide Web is a way to share resources with many people at the same time, even if some of those resources are located at opposite ends of the world.
Generally, Web and Internet are mistaken with each other, to explain the misconception - the
Internet simply provides the medium for the Web to run on,just as a telephone line provides the medium for telephone conversations,whereas the
Web provides the technology for publishing,sending and obtaining information over the Internet.
The World Wide Web is a collection of linked documents or pages on millions of computers spread over the entire internet.The pages are written in HTML-
Language which defines their appearance and layout and more importantly creates the links to other documents.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a major language of the Internet's World wide Web.Web Sites and Web pages are written in HTML.HTML and WWW services, together provide the ability to bring together text, pictures, sounds, and links... all at one click.HTML files are plain-text files so they can be edited on any type of computer i.e., IBM, Windows,Mac,Unix, Intel etc.